This was a day when we took a trip over to Annecy. The Monkey chatter in the morning said there would be tons of traffic at Annecy so no one else wanted to go and elected to stay in Chamonix. Don, Yolie, Donna & I in one car; Reaper, Bonnie, Flash & Mack in the other. It was just a short ride, about an hour to the bottom of the launch where all the PG stores were. We reserved several demo wings for the next trip to Annecy on Monday then headed up the hill.
Arriving at launch was where the traffic started, I think we estimated 2-3 hundred paragliders unpacking, on the launch and in the air. It was a mad house. The launch I actually layed down on and rolled a bit. It was a huge carpeted area that dropped off an edge towards the Lake. Reaper got his car load launched, I watched Don launch then I got enough courage to fight the crowd and elbowed my way to launch.
Don has been announcing his wish list just before we head up to launch and so far he is been batting a thousand plus. “All I would like to do today is, get up on the teeth.” This is a jagged out crop of mountain that is 3 benches up away. Well, today on launch we talked to English pilot that was super helpful and told Don & I of the ‘Circuit’.
The circuit starts at the launch bowl where you bench up enough to jump to the next mountain of thermals with the goal of the “La Dent” (the teeth mountain). Now when you get high enough, just over the top of La Dent you can turn and burn over the lake to the other side. “Your going to come in low, but don’t worry, it is like ridge lift on the other side.” Oh, I was so glad to hear that, my back is killing me from getting rock and rolled. Then he described what to do and how to cross back to the LZ.
Don & Flash obeyed every word and made the lake crossing along with maybe 30 others. I got spanked at the teeth with Reaper below me getting some severe wacks. Bonnie & Mack had already headed into the LZ. Reaper headed back to the LZ, he was getting some big fold over all the while chatting on the radio, must be experience. I could have gave it another try and benched up but my back was telling me to land. I headed out over the lake with the LZ easily on glide.
Once over the lake it was smooth so I could get some pictures. The LZ had a bar on it, no surprise. We were all enjoying a beer when Don & Flash came back from their epic adventure. There was smile on Don’s face that won’t be coming off for awhile.
I know I have not been writing many stories but internet service here has been spotty. A recap of my flights will have to be another story. I have had some awesome XC flights but have not had to use my passport yet, but I did ride the train back from my 2nd trip to Plane Joux.
It’s Time to Fly, Get Your Gear & Go
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